everyone wants a clean home, but doesn’t want to spend hours cleaning each week, or before guests come over. Here are some tips to keep your home clean throughout the week.
- pick a certain time each week to dedicate to bathrooms. This could be in the morning before work or you kids wake up, or before bed. I clean my bathroom every Tuesday morning. Showers need cleaned once a week to keep up on the soap scum and build up. I like this bathroom spray. We have hard and salty water, so build up happens fast. Toilets also need cleaned At least once a week in my opinion. Always wipe down the entire toilet, including the base.
- dust once a week! Buy a swiffer duster to use. Dust Atleast your baseboards and window sills at minimum. This should take no longer than 10 minutes. If you have time, dust dressers, shelves, etc. this keeps your baseboards looking clean without having to repaint or wash them often.
- get a robot vacuum. If you’re on a budget, find a used one. Especially if you have pets, this is a lifesaver. Every morning when I get up, I turn on our robot. We just have a hand me down Eufy that a friend didn’t want anymore. There are spots that I still have to vacuum once a week or so that my eufy can’t get to.
- wipe down your counters every night. Also try to wipe them down through the day if you’re home. I love my thieves from young living. I have a glass spray bottle, and we’ve been using the same bottle of concentrate for almost a year!
- simplify your decor. Things collect dust, and can be overwhelming. Minimize things you leave sitting out, and donate/sell what you don’t love.
- pick up kids toys/clutter every morning or night. I am a morning person, so I tend to get up and pick up things from the night before that were left out before I run our robot vacuum.
- simplify kids’ toys. Kids don’t need a million toys. They get overwhelmed also, and end up dumping everything and not really playing with it. If you don’t feel you can get rid of toys, start a toy rotation. That’s less you’re picking up daily, and less you’re cleaning around.
- Wipe out your sink every night or every other night. This keeps it from getting build up from food, soap, or your water.
- keep your stovetop up. Stovetops are a pain in the butt to clean, especially if you’ve been putting it off and have a bunch of stuff burnt on. Try to wipe it down each day after cooking, and deep clean it Atleast once a week. We have a glass stovetop, and I use this cleaner once a week to scrub off the burnt on stuff that doesn’t come off with thieves.
- wipe the outside of your kitchen and bathroom cabinets once a week with a wet cloth. If you have white cabinets, you’ll see the dirt and grime. With wood, you don’t see it, and it tends to build up. A quick wipe down once a week makes it so your cabinets are always looking good. My mom and I both swear by microfiber cloths for cleaning!
- Do a quick wipe down of walls, light switches, and doors weekly. I’m not saying all walls, just where you can see handprints and dirt. Also wipe down the wall or backsplash in your kitchen so it doesn’t build up. If you keep up on your walls, doors, and light switches weekly, you will rarely have to deep clean or repaint them.
i know it sounds like a lot to do, but if you get on a routine of doing all of these things, keeping your house up will seem much easier.